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MSV 12 Hour Race. Enduro KA. Barwell Autosport. Snetterton 200.

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My first time racing a Ford KA in the MSV Enduro KA series. After a bit of trouble in qualifying with a partially blocked CAT robbing us of a bit of power and all but one of us drivers trying to get used to driving a KA for the first time, we qualified in P23 out of 36 cars. All 5 of us only had 3 flying laps to try and get a feel for how these cars ' handle '. Loose might be the term to use!

I was given the honour of starting the race and decided that although it is a long race making as many positions as early as possible would be key to trying to get a good result.

I certainly didn't expect that I would make up as many positions as I did. Starting in P23 by the time I came in after 2 hours and 9 mins I had got us up to P2.

By the time we completed the full 12 hours we'd had some great stints carried out by the other drivers in the team, a pit stop we were not expecting due to one of our drivers not feeling well, and a car that was a lot slower towards the end of the race due to an alignment issue. This issue was tearing the front tyres to shreds and hindering our progress. We finished a respectable and well earned P3.

A massive thank you to the guys and gal at Barwell Autosport for preparing a great race' KA ' and looking after us. I'm glad to have been part of the team and the whole experience.

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