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IXIAtalks: Episode 19 - How to Introduce Authoring Assistance and Gain User Acceptance

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We all want to create high-quality content with consistent language and voice. Authoring assistance software can be used to support this goal. But how do you properly introduce authoring assistance to your writers? What does it take to gain and keep user acceptance? Just buying software doesn’t work. You must help writers see the benefits of the software and how it will save time and effort.

Many writers rely on powerful checking rules to create consistent and high-quality content. There is no doubt that checking rules can be effective; and of course, “they are all listed in the style guide!” and “writers should have considered them already.” But it is up to the writer to remember and apply these rules, usually once the writing is complete. Authoring assistance, on the other hand, happens in real-time. It checks while the author is writing and in many cases does not even allow the mistake to happen in the first place.

​​​Join Alexander Becker as he highlights some strategies on how to successfully implement an authoring assistance software while ensuring user acceptance. The webinar will allow time for an audience Q & A session.

- Alexander Becker, Head of Sales, Congree Language Technologies GmbH

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