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How To Tune A Drag Car | Drag-Specific Tuning Secrets [GOLD WEBINAR LESSON]

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Добавлено by В Тюнинг автомобиля
33 Просмотры


Optimising the power delivery of a powerful drag car can mean the difference between crossing into the other lane and claiming a world record.

In this webinar, we’ll look at some of the special techniques we used to claim 3 import world records on the drag strip. We will be looking at functions such as boost control, launch control, timer-based trims, driver warnings and driver controls and how we apply these using the MoTeC Mx00 series of ECUs.

Due to the current global situation we though over the next few weeks we'd help keep you guys out there entertained and release some of these otherwise 'paid access' webinars to you for FREE to help pass the time.

Want to watch the members-only webinar on Engine Build Considerations or Engine Failure Analysis along with over 230 other lessons on engine building, tuning, and wiring topics? Sign up here for only $19 USD a month, start and stop at any time (unlike your gym membership!):https://bit.ly/GoldMembershipHPA

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#highperformanceacademy #fragracing #dragracingsecrets #dragtuning #learntotune

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